Main Interests
- Information Technology and Computing: Data bases for biomedical applications
- Data Science: Data Acquisition, Data Processing and Data Analysis
- Regulatory Affairs: Data Privacy
BIO Martin Vogel
Already during his studies of Physics and Biophysics at Heidelberg University, Martin partnered with a company focusing on clinical data acquisition and report writing software. At a time around 1995, when computer networks in general, but specifically in hospitals as well, were scarce, Martin and his partners pioneered networked data entry and fast report generation which resulted in many hundreds of thousands clinical reports managed by their software over the years.
After graduating from Heidelberg University in 1999, Martin pursued a Ph.D. in biophysics & physiology, focusing on linear and nonlinear laser microscopy applications. Not disregarding his entrepreneurial interests, Martin and his PI founded a Steinbeis Research Unit, laying the foundation of what we know today as Steinbeis Lifescience Consult.
After finishing his Ph.D. in 2004, Martin pursued a career as a technical consultant. Working for a tech start up, he was key to the successful prototyping of a blood test device, an effort later awarded with the Loehn Transfer Award (see Awards).
In the following years (including his time as a staff scientist at an American Ivy League University), Martin worked with various US and German start ups. It was at that time that he met Juergen Blume, laying the base of their successful and on-going partnership, which included projects with, e.g., BioPheresis, or CONCERT Medical Optics, the latter awarded for its innovative founding concept.
Today, Martin is working as Head of Technical Management at an institute of a major German research organization. In all these years, however, coming from a scientific background, he never neglected his interests in big data, data processing and data analysis, and he actively maintains and expands this knowledge in this field, both by permanent education and networking memberships in professional societies.
Professional Memberships
- German Data Science Society, Germany
- German Physical Society, Germany
- German Biophysical Society, Germany
- Optical Society of America, USA
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), USA
- The International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), USA