
Steinbeis MBT is active for more than 18 years. Coming from academia, from knowledge transfer and from cooperations with industries we have developed a network of specialists. So we are able to bring together the required experiences to successfully support our customers in their work, concentrating on:

Pharma – Clinical development

Concentrating on reviewing and improving plans which are in development or in realization. As consultants we very often find GAPs or opportunities for improvement, most of the time w/o major cost increases, but with major refinements in the results of the CTs regarding their value for Market Approval and Market Access. In this context Phase II is of major importance and often key for the overall (strategic) success.

Medical Devices – CE/CER and PE/PER

Being in business for several decades, being experienced with the Directives and the new regulations currently in transition, we focus on reviewing statuses, understanding problems and GAP, and – finally – we try to find satisfying and time as well as cost reducing solutions.

Data Science

Realizing that life science and clinical research strongly depend on data, Steinbeis MBT is currently developing an additional program for its customers that will be focused on data modeling, storage and analysis – with the clear objective to provide efficient and cost effective solutions.